Iowa drops one spot in Tax Foundation business property tax ranking
Iowa dropped a place in a business property tax ranking this year for the first time since at least 2019....
Iowa dropped a place in a business property tax ranking this year for the first time since at least 2019....
About 250 people gathered Tuesday at the Iowa Capitol in the latest effort to prevent companies from using eminent domain to build...
A member of the libertarian Cato Institute is pushing back on the president's recent remarks on gun control. Cato Institute...
A bill to repay Minnesota’s federal Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund passed the Senate Monday and it will now travel to...
Iowans are waiting for the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for businesses with at least 100 employees. In...
Iowa is neither an “exemplary state” at disclosing Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act assistance spending nor a state...
Title IX is at the center of a lawsuit a University of Minnesota student filed Friday. Evan Ng filed his suit...
While 39 states experienced increases in charter school enrollment during the 2020-2021 school year, Iowa was one of three states...
While broadband providers will receive received Iowa grants for recently announced expansion projects, the state will use federal American Rescue...
Iowa will spend $100 million in federal American Rescue Plan Act state and local fiscal relief funds over the next...