51.7% of Florida Congress members earn ‘Taxpayer Hero’ accolades

Among the 29 members of the Florida congressional delegation in 2020, 15 earned fiscal responsibility scores of 80 percent or better from a ranking by the Council for Citizens Against Government Waste (CCAGW).
The share of “Taxpayer Heroes” (scoring 80 percent to 99 percent) and “Taxpayer Super Heroes” (scoring 100 percent) in the state was the 25th highest percentage among the 50 states, according to CCAGW’s 2020 Congressional Ratings.
The study examined 35 votes in the House of Representatives and 10 in the Senate during the 116th Congress in an effort to identify which elected officials strongly defended taxpayer interests – and which lawmakers exhibited what the CCAGW saw as “spendthrift behavior.”
The topics covered in the evaluation included taxation, public spending, government transparency and fiscal accountability. Democrats tended to get the lowest scores as a result of supporting what the nonprofit group said was a big-government philosophy during the coronavirus pandemic.
In the 2020 ranking, 16 senators and 80 members of the lower house earned the title of “Taxpayer Super Hero.” In contrast, in 2019, only two senators and 27 House members earned a 100 percent score in the ranking, according to the CCAGW.
This article was originally posted on 51.7% of Florida Congress members earn ‘Taxpayer Hero’ accolades