#top love yourself Day Five

Today’s challenge is to write down your goals and aspirations, so I thought I would share with you some of mine. Goals and aspirations can be anything from long-term career goals to short-term personal goals. So don’t feel constricted to certain areas when you do yours!
My first goal is to graduate university with a respectable grade in my degree. I want to make sure my three years at uni and my £27,000 in fees is worth it! I also want to set myself up with the best start possible when it comes to future career prospects. I already understand the amount of work I’m going to have to put in to get to the level I want, so I’m fully prepared to work to get there!
My next goal is to keep blogging! I love it. It’s the most passion I’ve had for something outside of my academia, which is a bit sad really but what can you do! Blogging has been a real creative outlet and the most constructive past time I’ve ever had really so it is definitely an aspiration and goal to try to make The Printed Parade grow into something successful and motivational for my readers.
An aspiration of mine linked to my continuation of blogging goal is to develop The Printed Parade into a strong body positive movement. I want it to become successful in influencing people to feel good about themselves, even if it’s just a smile every now and then. I aspire to make people happy with what I write because at the end of the day that’s one of my main inspirations to write in the first place!
My big career goal isn’t quite final yet. I haven’t quite decided on what area of politics I want to go into whether it’s as a Civil Servant, Politician or even a Journalist. But I do know that the end game is politics of some sort, I wouldn’t have chosen it as a degree otherwise!
Another goal of mine is to raise as much money as possible for Julia’s House Children’s Hospice which is the local children’s charity that I have mentioned before in some of my posts. I have already raised over £1,200 for them but I want to keep going. It’s something I really enjoy doing so my goal is to keep pushing myself to raise more.
So there are some of my goals and aspirations. Do you have any similar? Comment below.